Lose yourself in the enchanting world of the Madrigals with Walt Disney Animation Studios’ Academy Award-winning film, Encanto. Experience this heartwarming tale come alive on the majestic Stifel Theatre’s big screen, accompanied by your own St. Louis Symphony Orchestra performing the film's magical, chart-topping soundtrack live. Discover the captivating story of Mirabel, the seemingly ordinary Madrigal, who might just be the beacon of hope her extraordinary family needs when the magic of their home is at stake.
Get your family together and play some themed bingo! Bring your own food and drinks. Light refreshments will be provided. Prizes will be awarded to bingo winners.
The Egg-Stravaganza Egg Hunt in Chesterfield will feature thousands of eggs, the Easter Bunny himself, craft activities and lots more.
Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri offers summer camp options to suit every schedule and style. Day camps, weekend, week-long and family camp offer girls and their families the kind of fun and adventure that make a summer memorable. Girl Scouts offers her opportunities to swim, hike, paddle, climb and much more. As she’s learning new skills and swapping stories around the campfire, she’ll be forging friendships and making memories that will linger long after the summer is over. Girl Scouts can choose from one-week specialty camps, weekend adventures, caregiver/child, or troop options! Our camps are safe, hands-on, and inspiring, and our beautiful properties will acquaint campers with Missouri’s landscape, from woods to rolling hills, and everything in between.
With more than 30 weekly camps, Camp Westminster is the place to be for adventure and fun. Children entering grades 3-8 can choose from a variety of half-day and full-day camps, including Color Chemistry, Outdoor Adventure, Improv and Art Studio. Camp staff consists of enthusiastic Westminster teachers and coaches who help campers sharpen their God-given skills.
Transform your child's love for technology into an exciting learning adventure! Guided by our team of Code Senseis, Code Ninjas camps empower kids to gain valuable tech skills and make new friends. It's an unforgettably fun learning experience! Code Ninjas Wildwood is offering 9 different camps for ages 5-14! Each camp highlights different areas in the world of coding. All camps are 5 days long and run from Monday - Friday. Pick one option for a half-day camp or two choices to make it a full-day program. Seats are limited and filled on a first-come, first-served basis.
Maryville University's Center for Access and Achievement (CA2) partners with high-need school districts and nonprofits to help prepare students with the skills and abilities they need to succeed in STEM fields in college and the careers of the future. Our summer STEM programs include hands-on, creative experiences with cutting-edge technologies. Our courses are taught by highly qualified faculty with advanced education including gifted early childhood, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) certification.
This summer we will offer the following programs:
Bring your babies and toddlers to this free story time at the Missouri History Museum.
Storytelling in the Museum is an in-person storytelling event happening at 10:30 a.m. at the Missouri History Museum. This event, perfect for the preschool set, features engaging stories with themes like Grandparents Day, Hispanic Heritage Month, and mealtime. Storytelling in the Museum is free.
Tiny Trekkers is a weekly nature-based program for preschoolers (ages 3-5) at the Nature Institute. Preschoolers explore the nearly 500 acres of preserves through hands-on experiences out in nature. Kids stomp through creeks, use nets to catch and observe insects, taste edible plants, and learn about the natural world.
Learn about Waldorf education by observing classes in session at the Waldorf School of St. Louis.
Join in on First Art, a free art program for toddlers where the focus is on the process of making art rather than the finished product. Dress to get messy!